Wuxi Dechen 881KW distributed PVproject grid-connected power generation

Recently, Consort Solar, as a smart photovoltaic solution provider focusing on industrial and commercial rooftops, small and medium-sized ground power stations, completed the delivery of the Wuxi Dechen 881.595KW distributed photovoltaic power generation project; effectively guaranteeing the project's completion according to the established expectations and realizing the grid-connected operation, adding a brand-new green photovoltaic rooftop in Jiangsu Province while further promoting the enhancement of the company's brand strength.

Wuxi Dechen actively responds to the global carbon neutrality goal and lands the first industrial and commercial roofing project to help zero-carbon production. In industrial and commercial scenarios, roofing has higher requirements for load, waterproofing and reliability. The plant roof of this project is a resin tile roof, so Consort Solar used lightweight aluminum alloy brackets for installation. Under the precise deployment of the working group, the aerial installation work was carried out in a safe and orderly manner, and the task was completed efficiently and at a faster pace!

This distributed photovoltaic project is general contracted by Consort Solar, utilizing Wuxi Dechen's 10,000 square feet of idle roof resources to install a photovoltaic power generation system. At the beginning of the establishment of the power station, for the consideration of long-term and comprehensive benefits, Hongfu Bao preferred N-type TOPCon single-glass 585W high-efficiency battery modules for De Chen, which guarantees the power generation capacity and effectively reduces the load bearing on the roof, and is equipped with the industry's top-tier Huawei intelligent photovoltaic inverters. 

The project is expected to generate 940000kwh of electricity in the first year after grid connection, and according to the calculation of Wuxi industrial and commercial weighted electricity price, the annual power generation can bring the enterprise 752,000 yuan of income. At the same time, due to the use of solar power generation, the average annual savings of about 300.8 tons of coal, reduce carbon dioxide emissions of about 819.68 tons, the regional development to further achieve energy saving and emission reduction play a positive leading role in improving the corporate image.

Consort Solar will continue to focus on the field of photovoltaic for many years based on the accumulation of profound technology, products and service experience, to promote more high-quality project cases to the ground, with practical action to empower the social economy to achieve sustainable development, for human production and life to bring more green.